High Commission of Sri Lanka in India

2nd Round of Indo-Sri Lanka Civil Nuclear Cooperation talks concludes in Colombo PDF Print option in slimbox / lytebox? (info) E-mail
Wednesday, 07 May 2014 12:37
The second round of talks between India and Sri Lanka on comprehensive civil nuclear cooperation was held on 5-6 May 2014 in Colombo.  The two delegations were led by senior government officials of the respective countries. The talks were held in a warm and cordial atmosphere, on the draft text of a comprehensive Agreement on Bilateral Civil Nuclear Cooperation.
Youth from Sri Lanka and India interact in New Delhi on the eve of the World Youth Conference 2014 PDF Print option in slimbox / lytebox? (info) E-mail
Monday, 05 May 2014 10:56
On Sunday 4 May, the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in India Prasad Kariyawasam hosted an interactive event in New Delhi at his Residence for youth delegates from Sri Lanka and India. 
Sri Lanka condemns Chennai train bomb attack PDF Print option in slimbox / lytebox? (info) E-mail
Sunday, 04 May 2014 05:46
The Government of Sri Lanka strongly condemns the twin blasts that took place at the Chennai Central Railway Station this morning, (1st May 2014) on a train that had arrived from Bengalooru.  
The people of Sri Lanka share the pain and anguish of the Indian people over this wanton act of violence targeting innocent civilians.  

The Government and the people of Sri Lanka offer their deep condolences to the Government and the people of India, particularly the bereaved family, and wish a speedy recovery for those who have been injured in this cowardly attack.
Ministry of External Affairs
1 May 2014
High Commissioner Prasad Kariyawasam at the Centre for International Relations and Community Well-being in Gurgaon PDF Print option in slimbox / lytebox? (info) E-mail
Thursday, 13 March 2014 14:50
At the invitation of Ambassador Lakhan Mehrotra, a former High Commissioner for India to Sri Lanka, and at present the President of the Centre, High Commissioner spoke on India – Sri Lanka relations to a large gathering at the City Hall in Gurgaon in suburbs of New Delhi.

State representatives briefed at Sri Lankan High Commission in New Delhi on World Conference on Youth 2014 to be held in Sri Lanka PDF Print option in slimbox / lytebox? (info) E-mail
Wednesday, 12 March 2014 07:21
Representatives of over 100 diplomatic missions in New Delhi met on 11th March 2014 at a briefing on the World Conference on Youth which will be held in Sri Lanka this year in the month of May 2014. The conference will come to Asia for the first time and focus will be on young peoples’ role in the creation and implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.

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