High Commission of Sri Lanka in India

Sri Lanka rejects the alleged genocide claims by the Canadian Prime Minister PDF Print option in slimbox / lytebox? (info) E-mail
Wednesday, 22 May 2024 19:00

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejects the false allegation of a so-called “genocide” in Sri Lanka in a message by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on 18 May 2024.

The Government of Sri Lanka in all previous communications has categorically refuted such outrageous allegation of genocide in Sri Lanka. No competent authority in Canada or elsewhere in the world has made any objective determination of genocide having taken place in Sri Lanka.


These unfounded allegations relate to the conclusion of the armed separatist terrorist conflict waged by the LTTE in pursuit of a separate state, contrary to the principles of the UN Charter.  The LTTE is a listed terrorist organization in 33 countries worldwide, including in Canada.


Prime Minister Trudeau’s endorsement of this false narrative of genocide in Sri Lanka is highly disruptive of communal harmony among the Canadians of Sri Lankan origin, a valuable community of Sri Lankan heritage living overseas. Many of these peace-loving citizens have constructively engaged with Sri Lanka and we welcome their support.   


Civilians from all communities – Sinhalese, Tamils, Moors, Malays, and Burghers - were affected by the conflict in Sri Lanka. In fact, it was the majority Tamil civilians of the North and the East who were disproportionately affected by the daily repression of the LTTE. All communities suffered in brutal terrorist acts of the LTTE. A partisan narrative ignores the complex reality of the Sri Lankan conflict and as such these comments by Prime Minister Trudeau resonates adversely among Sri Lankans and disrupts the Sri Lankan government’s ongoing efforts towards national unity, reconciliation and progress in Sri Lanka.

Ceylon Tea Celebrates International Tea Day 2024 PDF Print option in slimbox / lytebox? (info) E-mail
Monday, 20 May 2024 18:15

As the world commemorates International Tea Day on May 21st, 2024, Ceylon Tea stands proudly at the forefront, celebrating its rich heritage, unparalleled quality, and global significance.

Renowned for its unique flavor profile and exquisite aroma, Ceylon Tea has captivated tea enthusiasts worldwide for generations. Originating from the lush hillsides of Sri Lanka, this beloved brew continues to enchant connoisseurs and novices alike, embodying a tradition of excellence that spans centuries.

International Tea Day serves as a poignant reminder of the profound cultural and economic impact of tea on societies across the globe. From cherished moments of relaxation to bustling tea auctions, tea plays an integral role in fostering connections and enriching lives.

Amidst the festivities, Ceylon Tea producers reaffirm their commitment to sustainability, community empowerment, and environmental stewardship. Through responsible cultivation practices and ethical sourcing initiatives, they strive to preserve the natural beauty of Sri Lanka's tea-growing regions while empowering local communities and supporting livelihoods.

This year’s focus will shine a spotlight on women in the tea sector, highlighting their rich and diverse contributions across the supply chain from crop to cup. Tea farming appeals to many smallholders, particularly women in developing countries, as it creates employment and generates year-round income. The event will also include tea tasting from different countries according to Mr. Niraj de Mel Chairman, Sri Lanka Tea Board.  

This International Tea Day, join us in raising a cup to the timeless tradition, unparalleled quality, and enduring legacy of Ceylon Tea. Let us celebrate the joy of tea and the connections it fosters, uniting us in a shared appreciation for this remarkable beverage.

For more information and to explore the world of Ceylon Tea,

visit www.pureceylontea.com / promotion@pureceylontea.com

Regret on the postponement of the live streaming today. New date will be notified in the due course


Invitation - Buddha Purnima – Vesak 2024 PDF Print option in slimbox / lytebox? (info) E-mail
Friday, 17 May 2024 09:48
Inaugural IORA Business Conclave under Sri Lanka’s Chairmanship PDF Print option in slimbox / lytebox? (info) E-mail
Wednesday, 15 May 2024 16:40

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Chairmanship of the Indian Ocean Rim Association in collaboration with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce as the current Chair of the IORA Business Forum, will be hosting the first Business Conclave under Sri Lanka’s Chairmanship of IORA at the Shangri-La Hotel from 28 to 29 May 2024.


The Business Conclave under the theme of “Sustaining Growth – Bridging Horizons” will focus on the key sectors of smart agriculture, ICT, logistics, tourism, renewable energy and SME Development and women's empowerment. The Forum is expected to provide an opportunity for leaders of Industry to develop stronger economic partnerships and connections across the Member States of IORA.


Participants are expected to gain greater exposure to diverse business and investment prospects to build synergies with their counterparts from the 23 IORA countries and 12 Dialogue Partner countries who will be represented by their trade delegations.


The Business Conclave precedes the IORA 26th Committee of Senior Officials Meeting scheduled for 30 – 31 May 2024.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs



15 May 2024


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